Pryor Baseball Farm

Pitching Training | K-Farm Program

PBF K Farm Pitching Training Flyer
PBF Farm Strong - ACES NATION Training Program

Pitching Mechanics

"My job is to give my team a chance to win." -Nolan Ryan

Youth Pitching

Basic Mechanics: We focus on teaching proper pitching mechanics from the start to avoid bad habits later on. Wake up /Warm up, activations drills, tempo drills and more to help organize the body to throw and pitch at all youth levels.

Grip and Release: We will teach players various grips for different pitches (e.g., fastball, changeup) and the correct release points.

Balance and Posture: We emphasize the importance of balance, direction, and good posture during the delivery.

Fun Drills: We like to incorporate fun and engaging drills to keep the young players interested and motivated to improve their skills.

Video Analysis: We use video analysis to identify areas of improvement and reinforce good mechanics. Help players see progress and exactly what we are working on so they better understand how the drill work helps them improve faster.

High School Pitching
Here at the farm teaching pitching to high school-level players involves a combination of fundamental mechanics, mental aspects, and conditioning. Here are some key points we focus on at the farm and our special pitching events throughout the year:

1. Basic Mechanics: We like to start by teaching the basic pitching mechanics step-by-step, including the grip, stance, wind-up, and delivery. We emphasize proper posture, balance, and foot positioning. Coaches break down the pitching motion into manageable components so that players can focus on mastering each element. Sometimes we use video to show players, so they can connect drills to perfecting motion and positive reps. Understanding how to organize your body and how the body co-contracts muscle groups to perform an action is important to the overall success of the pitcher.

2. Grip and Pitches: Coaches will teach the grip for various pitches, such as fastball, curveball, changeup, slider, and others. Make sure pitchers understand the purpose of each pitch and when to use them effectively. Understanding what hitters think helps!

3. Balance and Stride: Coaches will emphasize the importance of balance during the wind-up/stretch and delivery. Players have to maintain control of their body by having a consistent and controlled stride towards home plate.

4. Arm Action: We guide players to develop a fluid and efficient arm action by emphasizing the correct arm path, ensuring it's not stressful on the arm and allows for good control and velocity. Players should not throw with pain therefore we work to eliminate pain and increase velocity accordingly.

5. Release Point: Our coaches will help pitchers find a consistent release point based somewhat on how the player organizes their body now and how we might need to organize the body slightly different to prevent injury and increase velocity safely This will help improve accuracy and deceive hitters. A consistent release point will make it harder for batters to recognize different pitches.

6. Mental Toughness: Our coaches have years of experience at all levels and have worked with or partnered with mental experts in our industry that will allow us to help develop the mental toughness and focus needed for success. Pitching can be mentally challenging, and helping players build confidence and a strong mindset is essential for success on the mound.

7. Pitch Sequencing: We will teach pitchers how to strategically sequence their pitches to keep hitters off balance. Understanding how to set up hitters by using pitch selection effectively is crucial.

8. Physical Conditioning: Our strength and conditioning coaches will encourage pitchers to maintain their physical fitness and flexibility. A strong, well-conditioned body will improve performance and reduce the risk of injuries. We have programming to help all player excel and improve their overall range of motion and address and disconnections within the kinetic chain so we can maximize the efficiency of the motion to ensure players never throw with pain and mitigate the risk for injury. Players must understand the importance and conditioning and organizing the body the right way to explosively throw a baseball.

9. Video Analysis: We use video analysis to help pitchers visualize their mechanics and identify areas for improvement. Being able to see their movements can be very beneficial for making necessary adjustments.

10. Drills and Repetition: Our Build a better pitcher program along with our events like the rebuild your engine pitching camp has been designed with specific drills that focus on different aspects of pitching mechanics. Repetition is key to ingraining repetitive motions for success and developing consistent mechanics that deliver every pitch.

11. Injury Prevention: Our on-staff athletic trainer will help educate pitchers about the importance of proper warm-up routines and cooldown exercises to reduce the risk of arm injuries. They will also emphasize the need for rest and recovery as well. Understanding the Farm system's 7-day throwing/pitching cycle and recovery will be a game changer for all players.

12. Scouting Reports: Teaching pitchers how to study opponents and develop a game plan based on the strengths and weaknesses of opposing hitters. Max preps is a great way to get insight into the line up and how to pitch the game.

Here at the farm, we understand that every pitcher is unique, and coaching should be adapted to each player's abilities and learning style. We encourage open communication and provide constructive feedback to help them progress and reach their full potential.


College Pitching

Advanced Pitches: Coaches will help players develop and refine advanced pitches, such as a cutter or a split-finger fastball. We continue to polish existing pitches for even better control and command.

Pitch Sequencing: A higher learning and focus on pitch sequencing, mixing speeds, and locations to keep hitters off-balance.

Video Analysis: We always use video analysis to identify areas of improvement and reinforce good mechanics.

Competition and Strategy: We encourage a deeper understanding of the game, including reading hitters and setting up game-specific strategies to get out effectively.

Increasing pitching velocity requires a combination of proper mechanics, strength training, and focused practice. Here are some key tips to help you increase your pitching velocity:

1. Mechanics Analysis: Our experienced and knowledgeable coaches & pitching instructors can analyze your pitching mechanics. Identifying and correcting any flaws in your delivery can help you maximize your power and efficiency.

2. Strong Lower Body: Power in pitching comes from the legs. We focus on strengthening players lower body through exercises like squats, lunges, and plyometrics. We also for on organizing the body by forcing co-contractions generated with using water equipment that forces the activators to fire which helps set a strong foundation. This will enable you to generate more force during your delivery and aid in increased velocity.

3. Core Strength: A strong core is essential for stability and transferring power from the lower body to the upper body. Include exercises like planks, medicine ball twists, and Russian twists in your training routine. We expose players to a number or core exercises in this section.

4. Arm Care and Flexibility: Maintain arm care routines and work on shoulder and arm flexibility. This helps reduce the risk of injuries and allows your arm to move more freely during the pitching motion. We have partnered with armcare.com and our coaches have been certified in both arm care specialist and biomechanics of throwing at the mastery level.

5. Long Toss Program: We incorporate a structured long toss program into your training. Long toss helps build arm strength and promotes a more powerful throwing motion, along with the speed of the arm.

6. Explosive Exercises: Our trainers like to include explosive exercises like medicine ball throws, kettlebell swings, and box jumps in your training regimen to improve overall athleticism and explosiveness. We also have added the water exercises as well with the water ball and water boy.

7. Weighted Baseballs: We use weighted baseballs during training to build arm strength and improve your arm speed. Start with lighter weighted balls and gradually progress to heavier ones. Weighted balls are used for prehab, rehab, arm conditioning and mechanics.

8. Hip and Shoulder Separation: One key component for increased velocity is to achieve and focus on hip and shoulder separation during your delivery. This allows you to store more energy and deliver the ball with increased velocity.

9. Mental Approach: Believe in yourself and your ability to throw harder. Confidence and a positive mindset can have a significant impact on performance. Like a traffic light we help you understand how to stay green on the mound and when you slip into yellow or even red we teach methods for how to get back to green and stay there.

10. Video Analysis: Our video team and coaches will record you pitching and analyze your mechanics. This visual feedback can help you identify areas for improvement. This is critical in your development and growth as a player.

11. Proper Warm-Up: Our players learn to wake and warm up adequately before pitching to prepare their body for the demands of throwing at high velocities. Understanding how the activate the arm through various drill sequences is key as well as some of the toss mechanical throwing we do as part of the initial warm up.

12. Rest and Recovery: Understanding that you must give your body time to recover between pitching sessions to prevent overuse and potential injuries. We ensure all players understand the 7 day throwing and pitching cycle here on the farm.

Remember, increasing pitching velocity takes time and dedication. Avoid rushing the process and focus on consistent, quality training at the farm. Work with coaches who can guide you on your journey and tailor a training program to suit your specific needs and goals.

Regardless of the age group, there are some general principles that apply to all levels here at the farm:

Injury Prevention: We emphasize the importance of proper warm-up, cooldown routines, and listening to their bodies to prevent injuries. Seven day pitching and throwing programs.

Control: Is one of the most important aspects of a winning pitcher. Control is not to be confused with throwing strikes out over the plate, but making good, quality pitches in all situations during a game. Control includes, keeping the ball down consistently, moving the ball in and out, being able to mix pitches up and to be able to pitch to a hitter’s weakness.

Confidence: A loss of confidence results in timidity on the mound. The pitcher is afraid to make a pitch, he generally starts to nibble and becomes less aggressive. He starts kicking the dirt, taking too much time between pitches and gives the batter the upper hand. One thing to remember: you can’t change what happened. You’re only as good as your next pitch. You have to believe you are the best or you will never be successful.

Concentration: When a pitcher loses concentration, he loses his control of the strike zone. His pitches move up and out over the plate and become more hittable. Errors, bad calls by the umpire, a long inning at bat, fluke hits, all have adverse effects on concentration. A winning pitcher can maintain his concentration regardless of what happens around him. When things start to go bad, step off the mound and fix your attention on what you have to do on the next pitch.

Composure: A loss of composure on the mound will erode confidence and concentration, greatly affecting your control. You need to learn to control yourself before you can control the baseball. A winning pitcher appears to be in total command of himself and the situation no matter what happened. He is ready to make the next pitch, support his fielders when they err, not allow a bad call or base hit to change his expression or attitude on the mound. The winning pitcher is in command of the ball game: the game is not in command of him.

Field Position: There are many areas that can help a pitcher to become a winner. A most important one is that of fielding. A pitcher who works at, and takes pride in, his fielding will be given more opportunities to stay in the game when in is on the line. Having a good fielding pitcher on the mounds adds another infielder to the defense.

Remember that each player is unique, so personalizing your coaching approach and offering constructive feedback will contribute to their individual growth and success as pitchers. Additionally, creating a positive and supportive learning environment will enhance their overall experience and motivation to excel in the sport.

General Considerations for ALL Levels
Remember that each player is unique, so personalizing your coaching approach and offering constructive feedback will contribute to their individual growth and success as pitchers. Additionally, creating a positive and supportive learning environment will enhance their overall experience and motivation to excel in the sport.

6 P's of Baseball Guide

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Learn More About our PITCHING DEVELOPMENT Programs!

Information for Each Age Group:


Coaching youth baseball requires a combination of technical expertise, effective communication skills, and a focus on creating a positive and enjoyable learning environment. Here are some key points for our youth prep foundation program.

  • We emphasize the basics of baseball, such as proper throwing, catching, fielding, hitting, and base running techniques. Break down skills into simple, easy-to-understand steps, and provide ample opportunities for practice and repetition.

  • We adapt our coaching methods to suit the age and skill level of our players. Younger players may need more basic instruction and repetitive drills, while older players can handle more advanced strategies and techniques.

  • We prioritize players safety at all times. Teach proper warm-up routines, emphasize correct form to prevent injuries, and ensure players wear appropriate protective gear.

  • We encourage and support our players through positive reinforcement. Recognize their efforts, celebrate their achievements, and provide constructive feedback to help them improve. We avoid excessive criticism or negativity, as it can hinder their development and enjoyment of the game, however, we will be truthful in the process and hold players accountable for training focus, hustle, attitude and positive words to themselves and others. We are not a babysitting service and will hold all players accountable at their level. LIFE LESSONS are part of the farm philosophy.

  • We recognize that each player is unique and has different strengths and weaknesses, therefore we tailor our coaching to address individual needs and provide opportunities for players to develop their skills and confidence. We do not believe there is a one size fits all system, however many players will follow the farm training matrix throughout the years of training here at the farm.

  • We teach the importance of teamwork, cooperation, and sportsmanship. Encourage players to support and respect each other, communicate on the field, and understand their roles within the team. Playing 9 vs 1 is key.

  • We design training sessions that are engaging, varied, and enjoyable. Incorporate drills, games, and challenges that promote skill development while keeping the players excited about the game.

  • Our new Farm League Baseball fosters a healthy competitive environment where players can develop their skills and compete against others. Ensure fair playing time for all players at multiple positions and avoid excessively focusing on winning, especially at the expense of player development and enjoyment.

  • Our coaches and directors communicate clearly and effectively with our players and their parents. Provide regular updates on training schedules, game plans through our new Off the Farm Tournament Experience, and individual progress. We encourage open lines of communication, addressing concerns or questions promptly.

  • WE stay up-to-date with the latest coaching techniques, strategies, and rule changes in baseball. Attend coaching clinics, read coaching literature, and seek opportunities to improve our own knowledge and skills so we are equipped to help each player in their personal baseball journey.

  • We believe coaching youth baseball is about more than just teaching the game, it's about fostering a love for the sport, instilling important life values, and helping young players develop both on and off the field. Here at the farm we are always telling parents that developing your child’s skills is like a slow baked roast on the holidays. You want to put them in the oven and cook slowly. Don’t put in the microwave as it takes time and patience to develop in this very technical sport. The secret here is just have FUN and DEVELOP your player slowly for long term SUCCESS!


WE stay up-to-date with the latest coaching techniques, strategies, and rule changes in baseball. Attend coaching clinics, read coaching literature, and seek opportunities to improve our own knowledge and skills so we are equipped to help each player in their personal baseball journey.

  • Our Coaches acknowledge that high school players are still developing their foundational baseball skills therefore we focus on teaching and reinforcing the basics such as hitting, pitching, fielding, base running, and throwing. Emphasize proper mechanics and techniques to build a strong foundation. The details in the foundation become more important as well.

  • We understand that high school players are in various stages of physical development. Some may still be growing, while others may have reached their full potential. We design training programs that accommodate these differences and aim to enhance overall athleticism, strength, speed, and agility.

  • We tackle the mental aspects of the game as it becomes increasingly important at the high school level. Work on instilling a strong mental approach, including focus, concentration, confidence, and the ability to handle pressure situations.

  • We teach players about the strategic aspects of the game, such as situational hitting, defensive positioning, base-running strategies, and understanding different game situations. We encourage players to think critically and make smart decisions on the field. Players are supported with on field opportunities to train and our farm players manual.

  • We know every player is different, with varying strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, we provide personalized instruction to help players improve specific areas of their game and address their unique needs. It is key to work on your weaknesses and keep your strengths your strength.

  • Building relationships and effective communication with high school players is crucial. We work to provide clear instructions, constructive feedback, and positive reinforcement. We discuss levels of motivation to them so they can choose to work hard and stay committed to their development. Players have to understand that the key to their SUCCESS is the ability to be disciplined to put in the work and that discipline is what will get you the results and the looks you are wanting to excel at the high school levels and even further to college.

  • We have a clear understanding that high school players may be more susceptible to injuries due to growth spurts and physical development. We Incorporate warm-up routines, proper conditioning, and rest days to minimize the risk of injuries. In addition we have an athletic trainer on staff and have years of experience with prehab and rehab for players as we work hard to help players avoid injuries all together, however if an injury should unfold we have the resources to help in the recovery process to good health.

  • Our summer high school Florida Farm League helps foster a sense of camaraderie and teamwork among players (play 9vs 1). Helping each player and encouraging them to support and motivate each other to create a positive team culture. Understanding how to not be selfish but perform individually.

  • Our coaches ensure compliance with all safety regulations and guidelines, including proper use of protective gear, safe training techniques, and adherence to concussion protocols.

  • Our experienced coaches here at the farm allows for players with aspirations to play at the college or professional level to me guided in understanding the requirements and steps necessary to achieve their goals. Our process and contacts help them with college recruitment and exposure opportunities.

  • Our coaches understand and recognize that high school players have academic commitments as well. We encourage them to prioritize their studies and provide support to help them balance their academic and athletic responsibilities. We can help guide and support SAT /ACT preparations through our academic partners.

  • It takes a village with every players development therefore we involve parents in the development process, keeping them informed about their child's progress and addressing any concerns they may have. When needed we can coordinate with the school program to ensure a supportive and collaborative environment for all players.

  • By considering these key points at the farm, you can create a comprehensive development opportunity and training program that meets the specific needs of your middle school player/ high school baseball player that helps them grow both as athletes and individuals. Become a Farm Boy today and start plowing the field!


As a professional baseball player here at the farm and preparing players to play in college and potentially make it to the MLB, there are several key points to focus on during their training and development. These points encompass both physical skills and mental aspects of the game. Here are some essential areas we emphasize here at the farm:

  • We work extensively on improving the details and mastering the fundamental skills such as hitting, pitching, fielding, and base running. College and MLB players need to have a solid foundation in these areas to compete at the highest level.

  • Our coaches hold some of the highest degrees and certifications in the industry to help develop a comprehensive strength and conditioning program to enhance players' athleticism, power, speed, and endurance. College and MLB players must be physically fit to endure the demands of the long season. They key to playing is staying healthy.

  • We have partnered with and studied some of the top metal coaches in sports to help players cultivate mental resilience, focus, and confidence. The mental aspect of baseball is critical in handling the pressures and challenges of higher-level competition that require you to perform and get results.

  • We provide on field opportunities to train and our summer Florida Farm League give players the additional opportunity to enhance their baseball intelligence and understanding of the game. College and MLB players need to be able to read situations, anticipate plays, and make quick decisions on the field.

  • We use technology and utilize video analysis to study players' mechanics, identify strengths and weaknesses, and make data-driven improvements to their performance and get results.

  • Our Off the Farm Showcase Experiences and SCOUT teams arrange opportunities for players to compete against strong teams and talent. Exposing them to higher levels of competition will help them adapt and grow as players. This provides great benchmarking for local, regional and national talent throughout the county.

  • Our collective certificates and nutrition experience will help educate players about proper nutrition and the importance of recovery. MLB players maintain grueling schedules and taking care of their bodies is vital for peak performance. Eating healthy and ensure to fuel the body with appropriate snacks and hydration to get through training and games is crucial in overall success. Players can receive the farm snack guide to help support their choices for snacks.

  • Our coaches have played, trained and coached at the highest levels and encourage players to develop leadership skills and foster a strong sense of teamwork. These qualities are highly valued in college and professional baseball. Players that can not only organize themselves but can organize groups of people in a shared vision and process is a game changer to a coach or scout.

  • There are yearly opportunities to help players showcase their talents at college recruitment events and MLB scouting combines. Exposure to scouts and recruiters can open doors for their future careers. Players need to achieve a baseline level of competency for any level we are promoting them for within the game. Players are personally invited to these types of opportunities and events.

  • Our coaches can work with players to learn how to promote and market themselves so they can maintain open communication with college coaches and players, discussing their goals and progress. We create individual development plans for each player based on their strengths and areas for improvement. The 6P’s are key for a player’s success. Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.

  • Coaches look for opportunities to train players to be adaptable and versatile in different positions and roles. Versatility makes them more valuable assets to college teams and professional organizations.

  • We help teach players effective time management skills to balance their academics, training, and personal life. Success in college and the MLB requires discipline and effective time allocation. Understanding how to balance priorities and have the discipline to maintain routines that help balance workloads for success is the key. Discipline - Delivers!

  • We want every player to DREAM BIG & WORK HARDER regardless of the outcome as the process is far more important than the finish  line as we believe there is not a finish line as you learn continuously throughout the journey and then carry that learning onward through life. Remember that the journey to the MLB is challenging, and not all college players will make it to the highest level. However, by focusing on these key points and providing a supportive and nurturing environment, you can greatly increase your chances of success in college and beyond.

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